Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rural Street Photograpy: Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking While Pregnant

Department store trip... snapped this from the car. It's a sore point with me, as I shall explain.

When I was born, who could have predicted the messed up parts of my life that would come from my mother being a heavy smoker? I don't think they even knew the basics back then. But what is the excuse today?

Besides the long-known risks of miscarriage and such, recent evidence also suggests that maternal smoking is strongly correlated with conduct disorder and anger management issues (link).

I think this why my sister and I have such short tempers and sometimes flip-out at the drop of a hat. I've had to avoid a lot of social situations all my life because of this: I'm not a mean person and I don't want to hurt others, but I know I will if provoked. So I have to avoid socializing much.

This woman, living in inexcusable ignorance perhaps, is just guaranteeing that her child will have extra problems its whole life. She's like a breeding ground for the criminal class, in my opinion. She probably thinks she's a good person, though. But she's wrong.

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